Becca's First Toy Drive Flyer

This is the flyer from our very first toy drive, initiated by Becca. Today, we are following in her footsteps. Becca always wanted to help other children with cancer. Sometimes, when she could choose a gift or prize at the hospital, she would choose one for another child. Having her own organization was her dream.
Today, we continue on, making Becca's dreams come true. Cancer is not seasonal. We are collecting toys year round for children with cancer. Toys can make a huge difference to a child facing tests, procedures, chemo, radiation, surgeries, transplants, transfusions, and long days in the hospital. These gifts help restore a bit of childhood for these special children. Please join Becca's LEGacy and host a toy drive for us any time throughout the year.
Today, we continue on, making Becca's dreams come true. Cancer is not seasonal. We are collecting toys year round for children with cancer. Toys can make a huge difference to a child facing tests, procedures, chemo, radiation, surgeries, transplants, transfusions, and long days in the hospital. These gifts help restore a bit of childhood for these special children. Please join Becca's LEGacy and host a toy drive for us any time throughout the year.
Becca's LEGacy by the Numbers!!

With your help, Becca's LEGacy has continued to grow each year! After our first toy drive, we delivered one trunkful of toys to Comer Children's Hospital. Since, we have donated toys to many hospitals: University of Chicago Comer Children's Hospital, Loyola University Ronald McDonald Children's Hospital, University of Illinois at Chicago Hospital, Edward Hospital, Delnor Hospital, Central DuPage Hospital, and the Chicago Proton Center!! Our total toy contribution over the years has been over 45,000 new toys! That's a lot of smiles!!
Team Becca's LEGacy has contributed over $50,000 to CureSearch over the years! Let's keep it up! Together, we can increase the research and work toward childhood cancer cures. No child should face the fate that Becca faced.
Team Becca's LEGacy has contributed over $50,000 to CureSearch over the years! Let's keep it up! Together, we can increase the research and work toward childhood cancer cures. No child should face the fate that Becca faced.
Team Becca's LEGacy raised over $12,000 for the 2014 CureSearch Walk!

We had a wonderful day at the CureSearch Walk, filled with laughter and tears, friends and family, talk of the past and the future. The day was filled with sunshine, views of the beautiful lakefront, our favorite cookies from Alternative Baking Company, and a walk through Soldier Field, as we honored and remembered Becca and other children with cancer. With our amazing team and generous donors, Becca's LEGacy raised over $12,100 for childhood cancer research!
The CureSearch Walk helps us fulfill our mission of working toward cures. I am pleased to share that CureSearch is currently supporting research on Ewing's Sarcoma, the cancer which took Becca's life. Only research can cure childhood cancer. With everyone's help, we are honored to be a part of the solution.
Save the date for next year's walk and join us for a very special day: the first Saturday after Labor Day!
The CureSearch Walk helps us fulfill our mission of working toward cures. I am pleased to share that CureSearch is currently supporting research on Ewing's Sarcoma, the cancer which took Becca's life. Only research can cure childhood cancer. With everyone's help, we are honored to be a part of the solution.
Save the date for next year's walk and join us for a very special day: the first Saturday after Labor Day!
The First Ever Becca's LEGacy Bowling Fundraiser for CureSearch was a wonderful success!

We thank all of our sponsors, all of our volunteers, and all who came out to bowl with us for being a part of our fundraiser for CureSearch. That day, we raised over $1700 for childhood cancer research, which was credited to our 2014 CureSearch Walk team page for Becca's LEGacy. We also collected 187 new toys for children facing cancer treatment. From bowling, to raffles, to silent auctions, to friends and fun, to delicious pizza and cookies, a great time was had by all!
Thank you to all of the amazing businesses in the community who supported our event. We could not have done it without you!
Check out the pictures below.
Thank you to all of the amazing businesses in the community who supported our event. We could not have done it without you!
Check out the pictures below.
Toy Delivery: Always a Special Day!!
Delivering the toys we collect during our toy drives means they are one step closer to being in the hands of the children, one step closer to bringing smiles and easing pain, and one step closer to letting children be children (not just patients). For those reasons, toy delivery days are always very special. As children face treatment, the child life specialists share these treasured items. The hospitals depend on our donations; they do not have independent funding to purchase these toys which have so much meaning to the kids. We thank the community for the toys, our toy drive hosts for helping us collect and spreading the word, our amazing volunteers for helping us get the toys to the children, and the child life specialists who help these children regain their childhoods. The pictures below show only about half of our delivery of 2700 toys following the 2013 6th Annual Becca's LEGacy Toy Drive!
The 2013 CureSearch Walk:
A Day of Family and Friends, Honoring and Remembering,
Coming Together to Cure Childhood Cancer!!
Thanks to all who contributed to team Becca's LEGacy for the 2012 CureSearch Walk!!

A heartfelt thanks to team Becca's LEGacy and to all who contributed to CureSearch through the 2012 CureSearch Walk. Together, we raised $11,693.70 for childhood cancer research!!
Becca's Rainbow is featured in A Book of Miracles by Bernie Siegel

To learn more of Becca's story, her amazing courage, and her beautiful spirit, read Becca's Rainbow, a short story found in Bernie Siegel's A Book of Miracles. Becca's Rainbow was written by Francine Brottman, Becca's mom. The story describes some beautiful moments during Becca's final days and the miracles Becca brought to each day. A Book Of Miracles is now available in bookstores and online.
The 2011 CureSearch Walk - Becca's LEGacy raised over $6000!
2011 Nick's Pizza and Pub Fundraiser for CureSearch:
Good Food for a Good Cause!
Goodbye, Dr. Nachman (1948-2011)

Dr. Nachman and Becca
It is with great sadness that we share the news of the passing of Dr. James Nachman. Dr. Nachman was a pediatric oncologist and researcher at the University of Chicago. More importantly, he was a man with great passion for what he did and great love for the children he cared for.
We were fortunate to have known Dr. Nachman. Becca was his patient. His support and caring throughout her treatment were unparalleled. During her hospitalizations, he would check on her 1-2 times per day, unless he was traveling and sharing his expertise with doctors around the world. He would walk in the room with a warm, "Hi, Sweet Stuff!" Becca would smile big. He brought comfort, confidence and hope to all of his patients and their families like no other. He paid attention to siblings, too. He would warmly play with our son when he came in the room.
Dr. Nachman valued childhood, and wanted his patients to live their lives as children rather than as cancer patients. He would keep hospital stays as short as possible, and send us home as early as was feasible, with a ,"Go home and enjoy her." When he said this, it was clear that he meant it. Dr. Nachman was dedicated both to trying to cure children with cancer and enhancing the quality of life of these children. He was a truly unique individual. He was loved by many and will be greatly missed. Thank you, Dr. Nachman, for all that you did and all that you were.
We were fortunate to have known Dr. Nachman. Becca was his patient. His support and caring throughout her treatment were unparalleled. During her hospitalizations, he would check on her 1-2 times per day, unless he was traveling and sharing his expertise with doctors around the world. He would walk in the room with a warm, "Hi, Sweet Stuff!" Becca would smile big. He brought comfort, confidence and hope to all of his patients and their families like no other. He paid attention to siblings, too. He would warmly play with our son when he came in the room.
Dr. Nachman valued childhood, and wanted his patients to live their lives as children rather than as cancer patients. He would keep hospital stays as short as possible, and send us home as early as was feasible, with a ,"Go home and enjoy her." When he said this, it was clear that he meant it. Dr. Nachman was dedicated both to trying to cure children with cancer and enhancing the quality of life of these children. He was a truly unique individual. He was loved by many and will be greatly missed. Thank you, Dr. Nachman, for all that you did and all that you were.
The 3rd Annual Becca's LEGacy Toy Drive: From Toy Collection to Delivery
Chicago CureSearch Walk 2010 - Some Thoughts and Pictures
I sit here in front of a blank screen, at a loss for the right thing to say about the CureSearch Walk for Children’s Cancer. It’s not that there is nothing to say about the walk; it’s that there is everything to say. The walk was so many things to me and Becca’s LEGacy. It was a culmination of many weeks of fundraising, sharing Becca’s story, and working toward her dreams. But it was not an ending, but rather a beginning. The walk marks the beginning of our journey to improve the lives of children with cancer.
The walk symbolized the hope that one day we will cure all childhood cancers, and all children with cancer will have the chance to grow up. As I looked around at the rain drenched crowd, I saw hope. We were all there for a unified purpose, and the rain didn’t keep us away. We wore bandanas representing the child for whom we walked: current fighter, survivor, or, in our case, a precious one lost to this horrible disease. We donned t-shirts and buttons representing our loved ones. We all walked along the lake together, hopeful, that one day, there will be a cure. As it rained and rained and rained, I looked into the sea of umbrellas, and I couldn’t help but think of Becca’s words, “…I won’t let anything slow me down.” That is hope.
The walk was about solidarity. Team Becca’s LEGacy brought together people from different walks of life, all in honor of Becca and in support of our family. We were comprised of people who knew and loved Becca, as well as those who never met her but have been touched by her story. We were family and we were friends. We have known each other for all of Becca’s life and more, and we have just met. We were Becca’s LEGacy team members last year, and we joined Becca’s LEGacy for the first time this year. We were children, parents and grandparents. We came from near and we came from far. There we were, together, sharing a common purpose, all in Becca’s honor.
The walk was about support. We thank everyone who supported Becca’s LEGacy for the walk, both through contributions and by walking with us. You helped make us the #1 fundraisers! We raised over $10,000 for childhood cancer research. That’s an amazing accomplishment! We also felt the incredible support of being surrounded by a tremendous amount of love and friendship. That kind of support is priceless.
The walk was about laughter and tears. We danced together, sloshed through puddles, ate Becca’s favorite cookies, and celebrated life together. We honored the children at the walk who are survivors, including those still fighting. We exchanged heartfelt hugs and memories. Finally, we shared in a somber balloon ceremony, to remember Becca and all of the children lost to cancer each year. Others released their balloons and watched them float away. I proudly carried my balloon on the walk as Becca would want me to, representing that I will never let go of my love for her.
The walk was about Becca and Becca’s LEGacy. We remembered Becca, honored her, wore our team shirts with her words and artwork, and cried together in sadness that she wasn’t there to lead the way. In Becca’s name and in her honor, we made a difference. Every time we help a child with cancer, we become more a part of Becca’s LEGacy. Becca’s LEGacy was the name of our walk team, is the name of our organization, and is who we are every day that we reach out to others.
With great appreciation,
The walk symbolized the hope that one day we will cure all childhood cancers, and all children with cancer will have the chance to grow up. As I looked around at the rain drenched crowd, I saw hope. We were all there for a unified purpose, and the rain didn’t keep us away. We wore bandanas representing the child for whom we walked: current fighter, survivor, or, in our case, a precious one lost to this horrible disease. We donned t-shirts and buttons representing our loved ones. We all walked along the lake together, hopeful, that one day, there will be a cure. As it rained and rained and rained, I looked into the sea of umbrellas, and I couldn’t help but think of Becca’s words, “…I won’t let anything slow me down.” That is hope.
The walk was about solidarity. Team Becca’s LEGacy brought together people from different walks of life, all in honor of Becca and in support of our family. We were comprised of people who knew and loved Becca, as well as those who never met her but have been touched by her story. We were family and we were friends. We have known each other for all of Becca’s life and more, and we have just met. We were Becca’s LEGacy team members last year, and we joined Becca’s LEGacy for the first time this year. We were children, parents and grandparents. We came from near and we came from far. There we were, together, sharing a common purpose, all in Becca’s honor.
The walk was about support. We thank everyone who supported Becca’s LEGacy for the walk, both through contributions and by walking with us. You helped make us the #1 fundraisers! We raised over $10,000 for childhood cancer research. That’s an amazing accomplishment! We also felt the incredible support of being surrounded by a tremendous amount of love and friendship. That kind of support is priceless.
The walk was about laughter and tears. We danced together, sloshed through puddles, ate Becca’s favorite cookies, and celebrated life together. We honored the children at the walk who are survivors, including those still fighting. We exchanged heartfelt hugs and memories. Finally, we shared in a somber balloon ceremony, to remember Becca and all of the children lost to cancer each year. Others released their balloons and watched them float away. I proudly carried my balloon on the walk as Becca would want me to, representing that I will never let go of my love for her.
The walk was about Becca and Becca’s LEGacy. We remembered Becca, honored her, wore our team shirts with her words and artwork, and cried together in sadness that she wasn’t there to lead the way. In Becca’s name and in her honor, we made a difference. Every time we help a child with cancer, we become more a part of Becca’s LEGacy. Becca’s LEGacy was the name of our walk team, is the name of our organization, and is who we are every day that we reach out to others.
With great appreciation,
Thanks for all of your support for the 2010 Chicago CureSearch Walk. Becca's LEGacy was the #1 fundraiser! With your help, we raised $11, 214.74 for childhood cancer research! We couldn't have done it without you!
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
I have some bad news. There is no sugarcoating it. It’s really bad, and it’s ugly. Childhood cancer is real! It can hit anyone, anywhere, anytime.
When my precious daughter said that her leg hurt, never did we imagine that she would be diagnosed with cancer. CANCER. Such an ugly word. CHILDHOOD CANCER – an oxymoron. The mere thought of it evokes all of our worst fears. Suffering and death. It can and does happen. It happened to my little girl. Becca faced cancer with grace. She faced chemo with courage. She faced the amputation of her leg with strength. She faced her stem cell transplants with fortitude. Finally, she faced death with honor and dignity.
CHILDHOOD CANCER AWARENESS MONTH starts now. What can you do? Try to make a difference in the fight against childhood cancer. Wear a gold ribbon. Talk about childhood cancer. Donate to research for a cure. Fundraise. Volunteer. Give blood. Or platelets. Or toys to hospitalized kids. Celebrate the heroes. Share the stories of those heroes who aren’t here to share their own stories. Don’t run away from it. Embrace the reality and do something to make a difference!
Even as my Becca faced her own cancer, she wanted to help other kids with cancer. After she had her central line put in, at 5 years old, she wanted to tell other kids that it wasn’t so bad so they wouldn’t be so scared. Her smile cheered up other kids in the hospital and encouraged them to play. Sometimes when she could choose a prize for herself, she instead chose one for her special little friend, also going through treatment. Between rounds of illness, she held a toy drive so she could help other kids feel better, the way getting the toys made her feel better. Her final wish, at 7 years old, was that we start the foundation she dreamed of, to continue helping other children with cancer.
We can all make a difference if we try. Let’s remember Becca and follow in her footsteps. I want to step into my daughter’s shoes and make her proud. Please join us in the giving children with cancer their childhoods. September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Please, spread the word!
When my precious daughter said that her leg hurt, never did we imagine that she would be diagnosed with cancer. CANCER. Such an ugly word. CHILDHOOD CANCER – an oxymoron. The mere thought of it evokes all of our worst fears. Suffering and death. It can and does happen. It happened to my little girl. Becca faced cancer with grace. She faced chemo with courage. She faced the amputation of her leg with strength. She faced her stem cell transplants with fortitude. Finally, she faced death with honor and dignity.
CHILDHOOD CANCER AWARENESS MONTH starts now. What can you do? Try to make a difference in the fight against childhood cancer. Wear a gold ribbon. Talk about childhood cancer. Donate to research for a cure. Fundraise. Volunteer. Give blood. Or platelets. Or toys to hospitalized kids. Celebrate the heroes. Share the stories of those heroes who aren’t here to share their own stories. Don’t run away from it. Embrace the reality and do something to make a difference!
Even as my Becca faced her own cancer, she wanted to help other kids with cancer. After she had her central line put in, at 5 years old, she wanted to tell other kids that it wasn’t so bad so they wouldn’t be so scared. Her smile cheered up other kids in the hospital and encouraged them to play. Sometimes when she could choose a prize for herself, she instead chose one for her special little friend, also going through treatment. Between rounds of illness, she held a toy drive so she could help other kids feel better, the way getting the toys made her feel better. Her final wish, at 7 years old, was that we start the foundation she dreamed of, to continue helping other children with cancer.
We can all make a difference if we try. Let’s remember Becca and follow in her footsteps. I want to step into my daughter’s shoes and make her proud. Please join us in the giving children with cancer their childhoods. September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Please, spread the word!
Becca's LEGacy Nick's Pizza and Pub Fundraiser
Thanks to all who came out and helped make the Nick's fundraiser an incredible success! It was great to see everyone. We raised $311.13 for CureSearch! Thank you to Nick's Pizza and Pub and to all of our Becca's LEGacy supporters!